
"Creating Lexington," Continuing the History of Lafayette County, Lafayette County Historical Society, Higginsville, Missouri, 2002 > In 1819, seven men create a town, using only their strategic minds and good information.

"Real Technology, Real Work," Ventures, American City Business Journals, Charlotte, North Carolina, November, 2001 > Not all technology revolutions are digital: how about a truly useful industrial innovation?

"Why Change Happens," Ventures, September, 2001 > One family joins the swarm around school systems that don't work and builds a new one.

"So Simple It Works," Ventures, July, 2001 > A new approach to publishing: is it part of an evolutionary advance?

"'Without Toil or Labor': New World Economy Offers New Economy Lessons," Ventures, May, 2001 > America: founded in "irrational exuberance" — or — sassafras futures at Jamestown.

"Square Footage, No Soul," Ventures, January, 2001 > A family creates human-scale community with its downtown grocery store.

---------2000 / 1999-------------------------

"High on the Hog," Ventures, October, 2000 > Business owner rides his Harley into a venture that doesn't bore him silly.

"Mercado Central: A Lesson in Community," Ventures Minority Business Guide, October, 2000 > Latino entrepreneurs build businesses and community in the frozen North.

"Digital Soul: Blackmusicamerica.com Knows Its Audience," Ventures Minority Business Guide, October, 2000 > Music entrepreneur takes Motown, jazz, and gospel to the internet.

"Cuba: A CEO Looks Beyond the Headlines," Ventures, September, 2000 > Technology CEO goes to Cuba and finds people with ambitions much like his own.

"Confessions of an Ex-Bureaucrat," Ventures, June, 2000 > The truth about working with governments; it can be done —and profitably, too.

"Freedom Song," Ventures, February, 2000 > A singer turns down a major label contract and builds a fun business around her lyrics.

"The Copernicus Model," Ventures, December, 1999 > Two recent authors suggest that business may not be at all what we think it is.

"A Clear Call," Ventures, October, 1999 > Would-be customers "force" accountant to start a rowing shell company.

"Driving Force," Ventures, August, 1999 > Opportunity in other people's fantasies: two businesses for totally different markets.

"Survival of the Fittest," Ventures, June, 1999 > Retailers demonstrate that "competition" may be more myth than reality.

"How to Understand Your Market," Ventures Growth Guide, May, 1999 > Step-by-step guidelines for understanding the system in which a business operates.

"Living Life to the Fullest," Ventures, March, 1999 > Successful salesman gives it all up to do radio show on "what it means to be fully alive".

"The Big Picture," Ventures, January, 1999 > Tech marketing director sees a bigger picture when he listens to the marketplace.

---------1998 / 1997-------------------------

"Real Life: Margaret Thorpe on the Value of Curiosity," Ventures, December, 1998 > Curiosity will get you everywhere, and it won't kill your cat, either.

"Election Holds Lesson for Businesses," CityBusiness, American City Business Journals, November 20, 1998 (with Cliff Havener) > Minnesotans voted for Jesse Ventura for a good reason, and businesses need to think about that reason.

"Living Organisms, Dead Objects, and Catbert," CityBusiness, June 12, 1998 (with Cliff Havener) > People make big mistakes when they pay more attention to data and linear thought than to patterns and systems.

"Creativity: It's Not Just Playing Outside the Box," CityBusiness, March 6, 1998 (with Cliff Havener) > The current fad for "creativity" in corporations needs to be grounded in purpose, not just process.

"When It Really Works, The Frogs Win, Too," CityBusiness, January 30, 1998 (with Cliff Havener) > Products and processes that damage the environment also waste corporate capital.

"Let's All Calm Down About the Web," CityBusiness, October 31, 1997 (with Cliff Havener) > The internet is not a life revolution; it's just a tool, rather like a toaster.

"Why People Really Buy and What to Do About It," CityBusiness, October 24, 1997 (with Cliff Havener) > Buyers are in charge, not sellers, and we operate from simple principles, not complex mysteries.

"Dispelling Myth of the Competent Capitalist," CityBusiness, October 3, 1997 (with Cliff Havener) > If evil capitalists are manipulating consumers, how come consumers reject 90% of what they try to sell?

---------1996_ 1993-------------------------

"The Root Cause of New Business Failure," 1996 Handbook of Business Strategy, Faulkner & Gray, New York, 1995 (with Cliff Havener) > Most new businesses, even those of large corporations, fail because they don't really understand how users think and work.

"Market Analysis: How to Develop Markets," A Business Guide to Recycling Market Development, Minnesota Office of Environmental Assistance, St. Paul, Minnesota, no date, circa 1995 > Step-by-step guide for understanding if there is a market for recycled goods.

"Customers Can Tell You What They Want," Management Review, American Management Association, December, 1994 (with Cliff Havener) > Response to the assertion that people can't tell companies what they want, so companies have to give them whatever they feel like.

"Some Firms Fail to Ask: Does Idea Have Value?", CityBusiness, May 20, 1994 (with Cliff Havener) > Several brief case studies of businesses that failed and why they failed.

"Looking For a Face, She Finds Only a Turned Back," CityBusiness, October 15, 1993 > Companies are becoming increasingly isolated from the outside world, and it's not good for business.
